In Game ATLAS Shop Points
- 1000 Points for $10
- 2500 Points for $20
Mythic Tier Kits ATLAS Shop
(If you have spent more than $100)(Unlock Premium Time 3x points for time in the server)
- Boat 200% token - 2000 Points
- 1 Mythic Deck - 250 Points
- 10 Mythic Planks - 1000 Points
- 10 Mythic Gunports - 1000 Points
- 1 Mythic Speed Sail - 500 Points
- 1 Mythic Handling Sail - 500 Points
- Mythic Armored Boat - 3000 Points
- LvL 60 Tames - 1500 Points
- Mythic Armor Set - 500 Points
- Can't Touch this (50 Medium or Large Cannons, 35 Puckles, 10 Ballista, 10 Mortars, 10 catapults) - 5000 Points
Journeyman Kits ATLAS Shop
(If you have spent more than $50)
- Journeyman Boat - 1500 Points
- Journeyman Armored Boat - 2000 Points
- LvL 20 Tames - 1000 Points
- FOB (20 Medium or Large Cannons, 15 Puckles, 5 Ballistas, 5 Mortars, 5 catapults) - 2000 Points
Common Kits ATLAS Shop
(Default Kits for all Players)
- Rifleman Kit (Carbine, 200 carbine ammo, Metal Armor, 2 x grog) - 100 Points
- Scout Kit (Glide suit, Hide Armor, Grapple, Climbing Picks, 2 x grog) - 100 Points
- Swashbuckler kit (sword, metal shield, metal armor, 2 x grog) - 100 Points
- Pikeman kit (pike, metal armor, 2 x grog) - 75 Points
- Feast Kit (5 Fish and Chips, 5 Pork Pies, 2 waterskins) - 25 Points
- Vitamin Kit (5 Unthinkable delicacy, 2 waterskins) - 100 Points
- Homeless Kit (16 wood foundations, 16 wood ceilings, 16 wood walls) - 100 Points
- Spawn Point Kit (1 wood foundation, 1 bed) - 25 Points
- Schooner (1 common schooner with 1 large and 1 small speed sail) - 1000 Points
Shop Items ATLAS Shop
(Is not tied to any permissions AKA Default access to anyone)